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Jets' Rex Ryan acknowledges his toughest foe: Dyslexia - USA Today

Jets' Rex Ryan acknowledges his toughest foe: Dyslexia
USA Today
The New York Jets' loquacious rookie coach has no trouble speaking his mind. Reading and writing, though, have made Ryan cringe since grade school. ...

and more��

Jets' Rex Ryan acknowledges his toughest foe: Dyslexia - USA Today

Jets' Rex Ryan acknowledges his toughest foe: Dyslexia - USA Today

posted by 77767 @ 11:13 PM, ,

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

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On Friday's Special Report with Bret Baier, FNC host Baier informed viewers that the Justice Department had dropped charges against New Black Panther members who engaged in blatant voter intimidation in Philadelphia last November. As previously documented by Newsbuster Noel Sheppard, last November Fox News ran a report by Rick Leventhal detailing the activity which was ignored by the mainstream media. On Friday's Special Report, Baier quoted a former 1960s civil rights lawyer: "The most blatant form of voter intimidation. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters."

Below is a transcript of the report from the Friday, May 29, Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC, which aired during the show's "Political Grapevine" segment:

BRET BAIER: A lawsuit brought by the Bush administrationNew Black Panther Party has been dropped by the Obama Justice Department. The move comes despite an eye witness account of a You Tube video of the men seemingly attempting to scare away would-be voters on Election Day, an apparent violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The civil complaint accused the men of coercion, making threats, intimidation, and hurling racial slurs while at a Philadelphia polling station on November 4. Prosecutors say one of the men brandished a night stick, which they called a deadly weapon.

A former 1960's civil rights lawyer said in an affidavit that it was, quote, "The most blatant form of voter intimidation. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters." A Justice Department spokesman said officials obtained "an injunction that prohibits the defendant, who brandished the weapon, from doing so again. Claims were dismissed from the other defendants based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law."

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: Cnn News]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: Television News]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: Wesh 2 News]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: Chocolate News]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

[Source: State News]

FNC: Justice Dept Drops Voter Intimidation Charges Vs. Black Panthers

posted by 77767 @ 10:59 PM, ,

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

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by Mark Silva

Brian Williams already has gotten a lot of public mileage out of his private time with President Barack Obama, in preparation for a day-in-the-life of the president series that NBC News will air this week, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

The anchorman got the president to walk his Supreme Court nominee back from the remark she made about the relative wisdom of Latino women, as compared with white men. He got the president to say that he's not interested in the government owning GM. -- just a 60 percent stake, for now.

"Our viewers will see a view of the White House never televised before,'' Williims says of his program, Inside the Obama White House. "Senior staff, the president himself, the first lady and yes... Bo will make an appearance with us on television.''

Williams tells of a president who is not confined to the Oval Office, who walks from study to study dropping in on sessions, popping m&m's for snacks along the way.

"We had something like 20 camera crews....we have something like 150 hours of video tape,'' he says, and that's after a day in the White House last week, which Williams will follow up with another interview of Obama on Tuesday. "e're going through all of this to distill it down to two hours.

Williams also got a cheeseburger out of the deal - joining the president in his outing for a take-out pickup of burgers at a Five Guys in Washington.

Williams also asked Obama about the early part of his day that he hadn't seen: "I got my workout in,'' Obama said, "saw the girls off to school... always eat a hearty breakfast.''

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Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: News Weekly]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: The Daily News]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: The Daily News]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: Wb News]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

[Source: News 2]

Obama's m&m's: West Wing snackfood

posted by 77767 @ 10:45 PM, ,

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

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Geithner told China yesterday that the Obama Administration was committed to bringing down the US deficit.

Barack Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.

Geithner also told China that Team Obama wants to bring down the deficit next year from 12.9% of GDP this year to 3% of GDP next year (a near impossibility)...
Or, in other words, back into Bush territory.

In response, China told Geithner to show them some numbers!
Bloomberg reported, via Bizblogger:

In an interview with Bloomberg Television May 21, Geithner said the administration?"s goal is to cut the budget shortfall to 3 percent of gross domestic product or smaller. That would be down from a projected 12.9 percent this year.

Seventeen of 23 Chinese economists polled in connection with Geithner?"s visit said holdings of Treasuries are a ?Sgreat risk? for the nation?"s economy, according to a Chinese state media report yesterday. Still, the majority argued against quickly cutting them, the Beijing-based Global Times reported.

Geithner, 47, needs to show how the U.S. can prevent the value of China?"s investment from being eroded by a weaker dollar or by the inflation that might be stoked by the stimulus money being pumped into the U.S. economy, according to Yu.

?SIt will be helpful if Geithner can show us some arithmetic,? he said.

...The Treasury released a transcript May 30 of a briefing Geithner gave last week at the Foreign Press Center in Washington. In it, he said he will stress with Chinese officials that he?"s intent on maintaining the dollar?"s strength.

?SI will, of course, make it clear that we are committed to a strong dollar, that we are committed to bringing our fiscal deficits down over the medium term to a sustainable place, to a sustainable level,? Geithner said in the briefing May 27. ?SWe believe in a strong dollar. A strong dollar is in the U.S. interest.?

This doesn't sound good at all.
No wonder China is concerned.

The US has lost 16,000 jobs each day since Obama signed the Spendulus Bill and sunk the US economy further into debt.

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Nbc News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Home News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: World News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: Abc 7 News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

[Source: October News]

China To Geithner: It Would Be Helpful If You Could Show Us Some Numbers

posted by 77767 @ 7:46 PM, ,

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

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A presidential proclamation marking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.

Available in full after the jump.

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: World News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

posted by 77767 @ 6:52 PM, ,

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

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There are plenty of instances of misleading and otherwise bad stats being used by anti-piracy groups, like the recent BSA numbers from Canada that were basically made up. Now, a group from the UK is saying that piracy costs that country's economy tens of billions of pounds. It makes the same mistake as plenty of other studies before it: counting every instance of piracy, or perhaps even just the availability of copyrighted material on file-sharing networks, as a lost sale. It's fallacious to assume that every single person that downloads a piece of content, or simply has access to it for free, would pay for it if the free version wasn't available. Furthermore, any study like this that says an entire economy is being harmed by X amount of money because of piracy is pretty much bogus. This money that's supposedly being lost because of piracy isn't being lost by the economy, as undoubtedly it's being spent elsewhere. It's not being flushed down the toilet or turned into ether, it's just not ending up in content companies' bank accounts.

Carlo Longino is an expert at the Insight Community. To get insight and analysis from Carlo Longino and other experts on challenges your company faces, click here.

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Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: World News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Circulation News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Online News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: News Article]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: World News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Channel 6 News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

posted by 77767 @ 5:19 PM, ,


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