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Why It's Religious Terrorism

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McClatchy's story helps explain the fuller context:

In the rear window of the 1993 blue Ford Taurus that he was driving was

a red rose, a symbol often used by abortion opponents. On the rear of

his car was a Christian fish symbol with the word "Jesus" inside...

Dinwiddie said she met Roeder while picketing outside the Kansas

City Planned Parenthood clinic in 1996. Roeder walked into the clinic

and asked to see the doctor, Robert Crist, she said.


Crist came out and he stared at him for approximately 45 seconds," she

said. "Then he (Roeder) said, 'I've seen you now.' Then he turned his

back and walked away, and they were scared to death. On the way out, he

gave me a great big hug and he said, 'I've seen you in the newspaper. I

just love what you're doing.'"

And this:

In April 1996, Roeder was arrested in Topeka after Shawnee County

sheriff's deputies stopped him for not having a proper license plate.

In his car, officers said they found ammunition, a blasting cap, a fuse

cord, a one-pound can of gunpowder and two 9-volt batteries, with one

connected to a switch that could have been used to trigger a bomb.

Jim Jimerson, supervisor of the Kansas City ATF's bomb and arson unit, worked on the case.


wasn't enough there to blow up a building,'' Jimerson said at the time,

``but it could make several powerful pipe bombs...There was definitely

enough there to kill somebody.''

The fusion of religion with politics is a dangerous, dangerous thing.

Why It's Religious Terrorism

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Why It's Religious Terrorism

[Source: Wb News]

Why It's Religious Terrorism

[Source: News 4]

Why It's Religious Terrorism

[Source: News 2]

posted by 77767 @ 11:52 PM, ,

Deeds On The Air In NoVA

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VA State Sen. Creigh Deeds (D) is on the air in Northern VA today with a spot -- titled "Tradition" -- that pitches his endorsement by the Washington Post.

Script: "On June 9th, which Democrat has the most experience to carry on the policies of Mark Warner and Tim Kaine? The Washington Post says it's Creigh Deeds. Deeds 'would make transportation his first priority.'"

"Tradition" will air on broadcast and cable stations in NoVA, putting Deeds on the airwaves in every in-state media market through the 6/9 Dem primary. It's his first spot in the vote-rich DC suburbs and airs as one poll shows him surging past rivals Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran.

Deeds On The Air In NoVA

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Deeds On The Air In NoVA

[Source: Mma News]

Deeds On The Air In NoVA

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Deeds On The Air In NoVA

[Source: News Leader]

posted by 77767 @ 10:19 PM, ,

You Shouldn't Say That Out Loud

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"?SI understand that during her career, [Sotomayor has ] written hundreds and hundreds of opinions,? [Harry] Reid said. ?SI haven?"t read a single one of them, and if I?"m fortunate before we end this, I won?"t have to read one of them.?

(Hat tip: Conor)

You Shouldn't Say That Out Loud

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

You Shouldn't Say That Out Loud

[Source: October News]

You Shouldn't Say That Out Loud

[Source: State News]

You Shouldn't Say That Out Loud

[Source: Duluth News]

posted by 77767 @ 9:55 PM, ,

Star power

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First step towards almost limitless energy taken as National Ignition Facility opens

Star power

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Star power

[Source: Sunday News]

Star power

[Source: Channel 6 News]

Star power

[Source: World News]

Star power

[Source: October News]

posted by 77767 @ 9:32 PM, ,

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

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The "face-off" between Sacha Baron Cohen's bare backside and Eminem's mug came as a surprise to the viewers of Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, but just how shocked was the rapper also known as Marshall Mathers?

To hear host Andy Samberg's head writer, Scott Aukerman, tell it, not at all.

Ending nearly 24 hours of silence from all involved parties, Aukerman took to his blog to set the record straight: "Yes, the Eminem-Bruno incident was staged. They rehearsed it at dress [rehearsal] and yes, it went as far as it did on the live show."

As previously reported, Cohen's "Bruno" alter ego ...

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MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Abc 7 News]

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Mexico News]

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Duluth News]

posted by 77767 @ 9:31 PM, ,

Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

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Mitt Romney manages to attack President Obama for a speech that hasn't even been delivered yet, claiming the President plans to "apologize" for America -- while simultaneously admitting that yes, if he were in President Obama's shoes, he would admit that America has made mistakes.


Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

[Source: Online News]

Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

[Source: Rome News]

Mitt Romney loses debate with his own strawman

[Source: La News]

posted by 77767 @ 8:50 PM, ,

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

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My cup of sartorial joy brims over with the discovery of Ari Cohen's blog, Advanced Style, which chronicles the style of the chicest, wackiest and best dressed of America's older generation. Here you will find inspiration from vintage style mavens, ranging from 93-year-old model Mimi Weddell, to a dude from Seattle whose fine legs are displayed in stockings and who is topped off with a blazer and cap. Then there's fabric designer Elizabeth Sweetheart, who dresses entirely in green - a different outfit every day. She was recently profiled in New York magazine where she explained the genesis of her eccentric but bizarrely successful look. "I began wearing green nail varnish and it just spread all over me."

Cohen, 27, started the blog last summer. He works in the bookstore at the New Museum but originally came from Seattle where his best friend was his grandmother. "I adored my grandparents. Older people's style has evolved and they don't mind what other people think so much. They just aren't so self-conscious." He says that when he moved to New York last May he noticed immediately how vibrant and stylish older people in the city were, and wanted to start a project to bring that into focus.

The site is gathering momentum along with a mood of greater acceptance and respect for the older practitioners of style consciousness. "People have started to notice older people more," explains Cohen. "You can learn so much from the way an old person wears a coat that they have had for ever with maybe a hat, for instance - these are the last people around who know how to dress formally and they have a confidence about them that younger people just don't have."

Recent trends spotted on the site include bright red lipstick and huge dark glasses - neither of which are age specific but do look fabulous on the denizens of Advanced Style. There's no doubt that when the fat lady finally starts singing, she will do so in Balenciaga, with a slash of red lipstick and possibly some kid gloves taken out of a closet and smelling of the lavender in which they were for decades preserved.

? Emma Soames is editor-at-large of Saga magazine. ? Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: News Paper]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Online News]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Mma News]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: World News]

posted by 77767 @ 7:54 PM, ,


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